احجز الآن!


Worker Info
Name - English VANESSA
experience No experience
Type Recruitment Workers
Nationality Uganda
Occupation Caregiver
marital status Single
Gender Female
Salary 1200 QAR
Company Information Map
Company Doha Labour Manpower Recruitment
Email dohalabour2016@gmail.com
Tel 70703554
Mobile 70703554
WhatsApp 97470703554
Address فريج كليب بناية ١٧٤ عمارة مطعم مرمرة استنبول الطابق الثاني مكتب رقم 1

About Alkhadam

Welcome Are you looking for a driver, nurse, house manager, cleaner, nanny, secretary, professional workers for companies, security and guard personnel, foreman .... etc. Have you spent a long time looking for a maid? Have you made a great effort to find the right person? But to no avail ... Don't worry, we have the perfect solution to your problem Services…

Our News

موقع الخدم
Hourly Worker
  • 2022-04-03
موقع الخدم
Monthly overnight maids
  • 2018-11-22
Overnight maidsIf you are looking for overnight maids with monthly contractsYou will find on the Al-Khadam…


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