احجز الآن!


Worker Info
Name - English SHAHANA BEGUM
experience 5 Year
Type Returned Housemates
Nationality India
Religion Muslim
Occupation Cook
marital status Married
Gender Female
Salary 1600 QR QAR
Manpower Fees 14000
Company Information Map
Company Doha Labour Manpower Recruitment
Email dohalabour2016@gmail.com
Tel 70703554
Mobile 70703554
WhatsApp 97470703554
Address فريج كليب بناية ١٧٤ عمارة مطعم مرمرة استنبول الطابق الثاني مكتب رقم 1

About Alkhadam

Welcome Are you looking for a driver, nurse, house manager, cleaner, nanny, secretary, professional workers for companies, security and guard personnel, foreman .... etc. Have you spent a long time looking for a maid? Have you made a great effort to find the right person? But to no avail ... Don't worry, we have the perfect solution to your problem Services…

Our News

موقع الخدم
Hourly Worker
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موقع الخدم
Monthly overnight maids
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Overnight maidsIf you are looking for overnight maids with monthly contractsYou will find on the Al-Khadam…


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